Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Stranded on an island!!

It rained continually all day and all night although not as heavily and so the flooding as subsided.
There are still no boats to or from the island as there are high winds and very choppy seas

It's not so bad for me as I have Frans and we are having fun regardless, but othere are here alone and worse, have connecting flights home etc.

A girl we met yesterday was supposed to be back in Ireland to start work today but she is still stuck here and so days away yet. I would imagine there are many similar stories.
It's still raining today but not as bad, the place is in a mess, roads have been washed away leaving holes every where and many shops are still closed and without electric.
We are not able to have clean towels or sheets as the store room at our resort was totally flooded through the roof, but thats a small price to pay.
Thankfully the bars and restaurants are open, however, we were wondering how long supplies would last as everything comes over from the mainland.
So, we continue to make the best  of it, most people are in good spirits.
Considering it's the first bit of bad/wet weather I have seen in over 4 months it's not really anything to complain about, and it's still warm!
Where to go from here is the next question, weather looks set to improve by Friday.

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